Monday, July 14, 2008

Artifacts I Found

I found two items of interest on this first visit, which was just to determine what I needed to explore this site more fully.

1) I found a round stone, which was large- about 1/2 pound; which was masoned in an odd way. It was joined together. Obviously man-made- but for what I do not know.

2) I found a piece of metal that is very old and large, about the size of a pistol. I must put it in the shop and see what is under all those oxides that have developed over the years.


Friedman Go Home said...

It's tough to see in the pictures (which look strangely like grass and bushes)but is there any visible masonry anywhere? Any foundations, wood, or stones aside from the one mentioned? If not, it could have been a temporary stop, where the soldiers might have camped, dug in, and fortified it as a precaution before moving on to their intended destination.

I'm assuming this is not too terribly far from where you live. Are you doing this on your own as a day trip? Or do you have company?

Passive Component said...

It is about three hours from my house. I have a lot more supporting data, including the satellite photos, which clearly show that this is a large complex, with a deep water port and four supply sheds, one of which still seems to be intact. I could not reach this location on my first trip, I could just get into the front part of the fort. Want to go back with me?

Lost Civil War Fort of The Carolinas said...

Steve, I posted the satellite photo showing the complex and supply area. Let me know what you think bro.